Library Rules
Behavior and Conduct Policy
Behavior and Conduct -- Each of our patrons has the right to use the Library and its programs and services (both on and off Library property) undisturbed and each Library employee has the right to work without undue interference. All patrons and Library employees should be free of any threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity. De Soto Public Library has the right to maintain a clean, pleasant, and safe facility. In order to provide a proper environment for all persons, the following general rules of conduct apply to behavior on De Soto Public Library premises, while attending Library sponsored events (both on and off Library property) and while receiving Library services. The general rules of conduct set forth below are not intended to be all-inclusive. They merely indicate some of the activities that are not allowed.
No person shall engage in the following conduct:
- Annoying, harassing, or threatening another person
- Defacing, destroying, or damaging property
- Using, possessing, or selling illegal drugs
- Stealing or taking property
- Engaging in conduct which is a violation of any City Ordinance or Federal or State Statute
Persons violating sections 1(a)-(f) above are subject to the following penalties: First offense: Library privileges will be revoked for one month. Second offense: Library privileges will be revoked for six months. Third offense: Library privileges will be revoked for one year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in situations in which the Director of the Library, in his/her sole judgment, believes the conduct is unacceptably offensive, serious, threatening, or malicious, then the Director may take any action he/she deems appropriate in response to said conduct up to and including expelling the offender permanently.
In addition to the acts set forth above, no person shall engage in any conduct which interferes with patrons or employees of De Soto Public Library, including, but not restricted to, the following:
- Behaving in a disorderly, loud, disrespectful, disruptive, or boisterous manner
- Consuming alcoholic beverages, except at Library-sanctioned events
- Remaining in the Library after closing time
- Soliciting funds or panhandling
- Interfering with patrons’ use of the Library or its programs or services through poor personal hygiene
- Playing audio equipment without the use of headphones
- Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, or surveying Library patrons or staff in a manner which is disruptive to Library activities
- Blocking entrances, doorways, or stairs
- Entering non-public areas of the Library
- Leaving children who are less than ten years old unattended
- Bringing animals on Library premises, other than assist animals
- Consuming food and drink in computer areas.
If the conduct continues, the offender will be ordered to leave the premises and Library privileges may be revoked. Persons who violate J (2) above are subject to the withholding of Library privileges up to and including: First offense: Patron will be evicted from the Library and prohibited from returning for the remainder of the day. Second offense: Patron will be evicted from the Library and Library privileges may be revoked for a period of one week. Repeat offenses: Library privileges may be revoked for a period of six months. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in situations in which the Director of the Library, in his/her sole judgment, believes the conduct is unacceptably offensive, serious, threatening, or malicious, then the Director may take any action he/she deems appropriate in response to said conduct up to and including expelling the offender permanently.
Notification Procedures
Library privileges suspended for one week or less may be rescinded by the Director or his/her designee for these violations of Library Policy. Patrons will be notified verbally, and in the case of minors, the parent or guardian will also be notified verbally.
The Director of the Library or his/her designee will notify patrons whose Library privileges have been revoked for more than one week by means of written correspondence via certified mail to the involved patron’s last known address. If a patron has Library privileges revoked or rescinded, staff should document the incident. Patrons who have this action pending against them will be given an opportunity to submit information, in writing or in person to the Director or his/her designee.
In situations in which staff, in their sole judgment, believe the conduct is unacceptably offensive, serious, threatening, or malicious, then staff may revoke Library privileges and expel an offender without warning. Failure to comply with an order to leave the premises will result in the police being summoned and a charge of trespass being issued.
The revocation of Library privileges for 6 months or more may be appealed in writing to the Library’s President of the Board of Trustees within 10 days of receiving notice of the Library Director or designee’s decision. The patron has the right to submit written relevant information for the President to consider. The President of the Board of Trustees will consider the appeal and make a determination within at least 30 days after receiving written notice of the appeal. The patron may not use any Library facilities during any appeal period.